SolidynePro SolidyneLider


Digital 5 Bands, 562dsp

   SRS WOW technology for 3D surround sound

Digital 4 Bands Orion 462 FM & AM

Analog 3 Bands, low cost AudiMax 362

DEMO: Listen to a real off the air recording

PDF Brochure 562dsp

PDF Brochure 462dsp

PDF Brochure 362dsp

How to use 362 in WEBcasting

Listen 362 WEBcasting

Comparative table

PowerPoint presentation

Audio Processors Theory (PDF paper)



Audio Process


Untitled Document


Orion 462dsp
4 Band Digital Audio Processor

Models for AM & FM


New 2007 model 462dsp

Low cost digital audio processor

The Orion-462dsp is the processor that many AM and FM radios were looking for to enter to the digital era, still having little money. With the 462dsp an excellent audio quality is obtained, impossible to reach with standard analogical processing.

The coverage area of your radio, both in AM and FM, will be increased up to 50 %. The processor supports analogical balanced inputs and digital AES-3 inputs (optional). It has dual output: MPX out for FM transmitter and simultaneous balanced analog outputs for Internet streaming.
It has 30 memories to store your favorites processing programs (20 preset memories, factory adjusted to go immediately On-Air). All adjustments can be made, in few minutes, from the front panel, using a scrub wheel and following the instructions on the LCD panel. You can assign a password to the system to avoid that somebody changes your adjustments. Also, the processor has a RS232 port to connect it to a computer for remotely commute the programs. The 462dsp replaces 10 audio processors, thus surpassing to many digital processors of greater cost.


We have applied in this unit our 35 years of experience developing audio processors for broadcasting, because we are the older world company, with more experience in this field. The 462dsp is 100% digital, equipped with several DSP units (Digital Signal Processor) that have a total power of 2700 MIPS (million calculations per second). But, which is more important, the 462 uses the fourth generation of DSP, that eliminates the rough digital sound and annoying artifacts, characteristic of the digital processors of the present market. The unit uses converters of 24 bits @ 192 KHz and the processing is made in 48 bits, to eliminate the truncate errors that the audiophiles do not wish to listen... We recommend you to listen our Demos of sound. You will verify that the 462 is the only processor that offers the crisp sound of the digital technology, bringing deep bass and high stereo definition, characteristics of the sound of hi-end Audiophile Audio Systems.

Model 462dsp has included a digital SC-100 stereo coder with the new oversampling technology. Model 462-AM, for AM transmitters, is mono and has two independent balanced XLR outputs for main and spare transmitters. It complies with the NRSC-1 and NRSC-2 recommendations for AM and have up 150 % asymmetry capacity

Listen to the 462dsp demo CD or MP3 Demo audio file and you will be convinced!




Technical features
Blocks diagram description

Ten processing stages of the 462dsp replaces
10 audio processor units. They are:

1- SUBSONIC FILTER: Suppress audio frequencies below 25 Hz, to avoid distortion on the receivers.
2- EXPANDER: Increases the dynamic range of the program signal on the air, suppressing the background noise taken by the microphones.
3- GATED COMPRESSOR (AGC) Gated compressor with broadband range and slow action to maintain constant the level of audio. Free to your operators of the responsibility of continuously readjust the level of the faders!
4-PEAK SIMETRIZER Works based on Khann-Bonello criteria. It duplicates the radiated power for the human voice, avoiding the asymmetry produced by effect of the vocal cords characteristics.
5 - MULTIBAND COMPRESSOR: Operates in 4 bands, increasing the loudness perceived by ours ears. It grants strenght sensation and loud and solid sound quality.
6 - MULTIBAND LIMITERS This limiter acts over fast peaks, working in 4 bands to reach an inaudible action.
7 - 4 BANDS EQ: The audio equalizer works controlling the sound energy (not the level) to obtain an effect impossible to reach with conventional equalizers.

8 - DIGITAL STERO CODER: Our exclusive 16x oversampling technology gives the 462 a direct MPX link to the FM exciter.
For the first time, the ear is not able to perceive the 0,003% distortion of the stereo coder. With 95 dB dynamic range and 65 dB channel separation, we guarantee a digital audio quality on-air.
9-SUPERMODULATION: This technique, created by Solidyne, is based on MPX processing, and allows to obtain up to 150% of audio signal in each stereo channel, but maintaining in 100% the deviation of the FM carrier.

10- Digital AES-3 In/Out Optional AES-3 digital Inputs and Outputs with simultaneouns analog output for IBOC and DRM digital FM transmission



The best stereo coder at the market

The stereo coder of the 462dsp also was object of a new vision, different from the used by other great brands. In order to obtain those specifications, that will astonish your Radio engineers, and your own ears, we have chosen to create a new technology doing oversampling at 608 Khz, that allows us to send very high the overtones of the MPX process, being able to set the cutoff filters to 320 KHz (instead of conventional 67KHz). It manages a perfect phase response with 75 dB channel separation and distortion below 0.003 %, free of alias and spurious components.



The 462dsp has option for digital inputs and outputs (AES3). Also have MPX output and simultaneous analog balanced output for Internet streaming.
RDS generator is also an optional feature



The old problem of the humming
due ground loops
does not exist in our processors,
because the MPX out is differential
and provides 45 dB
of hum cancellation

  Another facility that you will not find in any other processor is the MIC Start input. It allows that, whenever the microphones are opened, the 462 changes to a special VOICE program that allows obtaining the perfect processing for the voice of your speakers. At the same time, the RS232 / USB interface from PC allows the air automation software controlling the 462 in order to change to one of the 30 stored programs that best fit the musical style. The best processing setting for Jazz is not the same that for Rock & Pop or promotional Ads..  




462dsp/ AM, four bands audio processor

This unit offers: One balanced stereo output (20 Hz - 15 KHz) for Internet streaming or Hi-Fi recordings, Two independent balanced mono outputs for A.M. transmission, with NRSC1 equalization and low-pass cutoff filter, commutable between 7,5 kHz & 5 kHz. Both A.M. outputs allow asymmetric modulation to increase the power and coberture of the emissions. While the negative modulation keeps always at 100%, the positive one can vary digitally between 100% and 150%, controllable from LCD screen. The advanced asymmetric clipping system with double stage of Log clipping, an invention of Solidyne, allows to increase to the transmitted power. The 462dsp/AM fulfills standards NRSC-1 & NRSC-2 of spurious irradiation in A.M.

Optional AES-3 digital inputs and outputs are available.



Easy Operation

The 462dsp stores 30 different programs, 20 are fully adjusted at factory
You can change programs or invent others with self-explicative screens










Remote Control from PC using
Virtual Rack Technology


The 462dsp can be remotely controlled from a PC using our exclusive Virtual Rack software

It is fully interactive with the user and looks like a real rack, easy to use (not only for engineering trained people...)

Even better, the processor could be controlled from the Radio Automation Software. Then each musical tune will have the perfect processing that fits their music style. Only Solidyne brings you this technology !

If you wish to see a demo software about the Virtual rack, please click here to download and run it.

Then select the 462dsp demo mode. Pressing F1 you will have a Help



Listen to the Orion 462

For the first time a manufacturer of broadcast processors make available for you a real audio demonstration with an On-Air recording of the audio processor. Compare the Solidyne processors with the American most expensive unit of the market.

Click the option "Listen at the real on-air..." at the left Menu