The Audimax
362 has 7 analog processing stages and the digital stereo coder. It
works with 3 audio bands and has 7 front panel controls for customize
the sound (so that your radio sounds different from the others) Its
very low price tag is appropriate for community FM radios and low power
stations. Model 362 has simultaneous stereo balances outputs por audio
streaming in Internet and coaxil MPX output for FM transmitter. The
362-IT model is an excellent processor for WEBcasting because
analog inputs has internal eculization for optimal performance of streaming
(you can listen audio streaming; select it at the left menu)
Operating in a FM radio, the AudiMax 362 increases the reach of the FM
transmission, improving the coverage area between 30 and 50%, obtaining
an impressive audio quality that will distinguish your radio station.
You can learn more about how processing improves the FM reach, at our
Power Point presentation: Audio Processors (Spanish) .
AudiMax is fully controlled by VCA, being very simple to adjust. In
fact, with all the knobs to the center position, your radio will sound
perfect on the air. You don’t need a technician to make the settings.
Its main characteristic is the ease of use, because it does not require
a specialized technician to start up and to adjust the unit; and neither
it has the critical Input level control, since an automatic system
adapts the input gain to the output level of any audio console and radio-operators
(still the most distracted...)The stereo coder stage uses
digital synthesis with 16X oversampling, a technology developed by Solidyne
that guarantees ultra-low distortion and high channel separation, not
requiring any readjustment during all its full life. MPX output is differential
type, with floating ground for cancelling the residual humming.
7 Processors inside one rack
The input
level is self-adjusted for any audio console and supports variations
of the VU-meters level originated by DJs or radio operators.
Processing 1: An audio expander guarantees the suppression of
background noise when silence of between pauses on the locution.
Processing 2: An AGC (Automatic Gain Control) system guarantee
that the input level to the sensitive multiband system always be at
the same level.
3: A phase
rotation system uses the Kahnn-Bonello technology for cancellation
of asymmetry peaks. This eiminate the asymetry of the human voice that
reduce the reach of the radio and gives a sensation of weak sound.
Processing 4: Dynamic Equalizer is a dynamic audio EQ of 3 bands
that allow reinforcing certain frequencies, generally the bass, to have
a sound with a loud punch, ideal for the car-stereos. Unlike the conventional
EQ, whose action is lost for high levels of modulation, this equalizer
emphasizes its action, as grater is the modulation.
Procesing 5: The Band Energy system increases the peak density
for the 3 bands obtaining signals of very high loudness.One adjusts based on the kind of sound wishes by the radio:
an aggressive or smoother sound.
Processing 6: Multiband Compressor is the core of the processing system, constituted
by 3 independent audio compressors that works on 3 frequency bands:
Low, Mid and High. The attack times are automatic and the user controls
recovery times with the Band Energy controls. One control allows modifying
the input gain of the compressors. The band of high, being affected
by the 75 uS pre-emphasis, has at the compressor output an ultra-fast
peak limiter, followed by a Intermodulation cancelling filter to obtain
a total cleaning sound in the high frequencies.
Processing 7: The sum of the signals is sent to the stereo coder.
It has a safe clipper that acts at 0 to 6 dB and works over the MPX
using a technology called SUPERMODULATION, increasing the audio signal
between 2 and 3 dB, without over modulation.
side of 362
362 have separated audio outputs
for MPX and for WEBcasting.Their excellent internal construction, with IC mounted on
sockets and components identification, turns it an equipment of excellent
professional quality, of very moderate price.