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Air audio processors demo
recommend you to use very good quality PC speakers, with separate
woofer, or use PC with headphones.
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Evolution 562dsp-5
band- Recorded from air-15
For the first time a manufacturer of audio processors gives you the opportunity
of hearing the true on-air sound.
The off-air signal was recorded from a standard JVC tuner. Is the same
sound quality that your radio will get using our processor. This demo
will compare the 562dsp with the most expensive American made broadcast
audio processor. Your ears will tell you wich is better ! For a fair comparation,
our 562dsp have DISCONECTED the SRS WOW technology that has a separate
demo in our website This MP3 file is recorded in VBR mode 192 Kb
with rigth mouse button to download and save the MP3 file
Orion 462dsp-4
band- Recorded from air
-20 minutes
the first time a manufacturer of audio processors gives you the opportunity
of hearing the true on-air sound.
The off-air signal was recorded from a standard JVC tuner..
Is the same sound quality that your radio will get using our processor.
This demo will compare 462dsp with the most expensive American made broadcast
audio processor. Your ears will tell you wich is better ! This MP3 file
is recorded in VBR mode 192 Kbits.
with rigth mouse button to download and save the MP3 file
362 Demo

can download the MP3 file to listen elsewhere.
To do this, click the right mouse button and choose the option "Save..."
spot recorded from on-air real FM transmission (Spanish) |
On Air recording of Latin music. All controls at center. Previous
to the cut is a speaker voice as reference track; 100% modulation,
not processed, recorded at the same peak level. Note the improved
loudness of the 362 music track with processed audio. |
Air recording of commercial spot (Spanish). Multiband control near
maximum. Previous to the cut is a male voice reference track -not
processed- recorded at the same peak level. Note the improved loudness
of the 362 processed audio. |
Air recording of Jazz music, at high level ENERGY bands. Note the
excellen quality at very high loudness level. |
On Air Recording Chicago musical. |