SolidynePro SolidyneLider


Digital 5 Bands, 562dsp

SRS WOW technology for 3D surround sound

Digital 4 Bands Orion 462 FM & AM

Analog 3 Bands, low cost AudiMax 362

DEMO: Listen to a real off the air recording

PDF Brochure 562dsp

PDF Brochure 462dsp

PDF Brochure 362dsp

   How to use 362 in WEBcasting

Listen 362 WEBcasting

Comparative table

PowerPoint presentation

Audio Processors Theory (PDF paper)



Audio Process


Untitled Document


WEBcasting: the radio on Internet

Obtain world-wide reach for your radio



At the moment it is possible, thanks to the technologies of wideband Internet, to have one radio of high sound quality in this new media. We, agree with you that Internet never is going to replace to the conventional transmissions of AM & FM radio .

Nevertheless...  why not join to the club of radios that have world-wide reach? This will delight advertisers and will give you a competitive edge on other radios.  It will give you the satisfaction, for example, to read to your audience mails that arrives from the entire world.


Radio on Demand

The option of transmitting by Internet is more and more used.  But Internet is a different philosophy. Our listeners usually are very far, often abroad and their schedules are changed. A successful program at 7 PM in New York, probably wil not have audience in Europe at 12 midnight!  Still for listeners of the same city, that arrives at home at the night and start up the PC for listening to the favorite program at noon, is advisable to use Radio On Demand.




Linking radio stations using Internet

Make a satellite link...
without pay for the satellite!

Many radio stations obtain great advantages connecting themselves in network during a part of the day. It is possible to transmit from one national capital towards remote distant radio stations or to others countries. To have reporters of national reach or sport transmissions in direct. A great amount of new ideas is today possible using systems on Wideband Internet that today is a economic option. Using a processing chain with a 362-IT and DSP48 soundcard you can obtain an excellent audio quality, far better that the satellite and... almost without cost.

Contact us to make an integral project with suitable software and the best equipment.


Listen to the excellent sound of Solidyne

Like always we say you:
"never buy audio equipments if you cannot listen it previously "
Therefore we offer you to listen the powerful combination 362+DSP48 for on line radio. And not only listen to it; we recommend you to enter Internet and to compare our streaming with the best I-radios of the USA and Europe. You will see that in spite of the low cost of our equipment, we equaled or even surpassed to the expensive units used by the best on line radios of the world.

Click here to listen our WEBcasting