SolidynePro SolidyneLider


General Information

How to use MX2100

   You can hear the MX2100 with VQR restoration or Skype

VIDEO #1 : the MX2100 mini console (English closed captions)

VIDEO #2: Using smart phone and Skype (English spoken)

PDF Brochure for printing

Specifications & Block Diagram

Users manual



MX 2100


The MX 2100 can be used alone or combined with
the VQR or Skype technology

Technology VQR (Voice Quality Restoration) is an invention of Solidyne that
allows to reconstruct the original sound of the human voice, adding the frequencies
lost during the telephone transmission.
VQR operates analyzing the sound transmitted through a cellular phone or a telephone line. It searches into the reduced frequency band transmitted, for the residual information of the low frequencies eliminated by the telephone transmission. Although the ear does not listen to it, the engineers of Solidyne have found the way to detect this weak residual signal. Also, the high frequency components are found. From these weak information, it is possible to reconstruct at 80% the original sound between 50-12,000 Hertz.
Somehow is a method similar to which is used in Astronomy to know the chemical components of a star, analyzing its light. The VQR is not an audio equalizer, because it is known that it is impossible to improve the telephone sound by means of the equalization.
  Please click here if you want to know
the theory about the VQR

The VQR restoration is sufficiently good, that all the AM radio listeners (and 95% of FM) think that the sound is generated inside the radio studio . VQR restoration, unlike other technologies, does not have the annoying time delay that the journalists categorically reject, because the impossibility of interviewing remote people. In fact, technology VQR is totally instantaneous.

We recommend you to listen carefully the results obtained with VQR technology.

The transmission done with a MX2100 can be received using a Solidyne HL203 or a console with
VQR module to get a great sound quality on the air.


Please listen the sound quality that is obtained with a
MX2100 transmitting by a standard telephone line, using a VQR decoder.
Or by a smart phone using Skype  and connected by Bluetooth with MX2100


Listen for 10 seconds a transmission over a standard telephone
line with a MX2100 console.
Then, we connect the VQR to restore the voice
Hear now the good audio quality obtained.

To save MP3 file, click here with right button of mouse and select the SAVE option


Listen to the MX2100 connected by Bluetooth 4.0 (HD Quality) with a
smart phone linked by Skype without time delay.
With the full frequency range of the voice
You will have full-duplex communication that you need for remote interview
Amazing sound quality with a worldwide communication free of charge

To save MP3 file, click here with right button of mouse and select the SAVE option

Click here
NOTE: If your PC do not have high quality louspeakers, with good bass response, we recommend you to hear this demo at your Radio Studio or send it to the air, at late night, in order to hear it at your home or with a good car receiver.
In order to download the MP3 files, use right button of the mouse and the option SAVE.