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   General Information

How to use MX2100

You can hear the MX2100 with VQR restoration or Skype

VIDEO #1 : the MX2100 mini console (English closed captions)

VIDEO #2: Using smart phone and Skype (English spoken)

PDF Brochure for printing

Specifications & Block Diagram

Users manual



MX 2100


Digital USB Mobile Mini-Console
Solidyne MX 2100

A landmark in portable consoles in 60 countries
Cellular telephony is the high-tech mode of today communications...

Connected to a portable console, it is the best solution for transmission of News, Reports and Journalism in AM and FM radios.

For that reason, many times, you have asked:
Why the portable console manufacturers still insist on large and
heavy units, whose on-air sound is very poor?

The Solidyne innovation has solved both problems.

The MX2100 portable console is almost as small as your cellular phone.

The console uses CMOS operational amplifiers
of ultra-low consumption, allowing the rechargeable
batteries to offer 16 hours of continuous operation.

This technology is the same used at NASA in
the spaceships, to save energy.

The MB2100 is the world only portable console that includes:
Digital USB in-out // Equalization VQR // Audio Compressor + AGC // Bluetooth
This obtains a great sound through cellular; being able to improve, at the Studio side, the bass and treble of the original quality
of the voice, using the VQR (Voice Quality Restoration) technology.
Please see at left menu the VQR sound quality demo

You can even connect it by Bluetooth to a smart phone in order to have full duplex Skype Internet Studio link with no delay,
Or high quality 30-15.000 Hz audio streaming using USB connection to a Notebook or Tablet

click over photo to enlarge it
The console incorporates one distribution amplifier for 3 headphones.
Any headphone model can be used, including those of walkman type, light and small.
MX2100 manages 4 microphone inputs; 3 inputs for dynamic microphones and one input for internal condenser MIC.
The MX2100 preamplifiers are of the infinite headroom technology (never has overload, even if you shout a GOAL…)
thanks to the "local feedback" technology of Solidyne.

The consoles includes a telephone Hybrid  and DTMF keypad dialer for connection to standard phone line
Also has digital USB input/output and Bluetooth 4.0 high fidelity link with cell phones
It weighs only 600 grams with battery. The cabinet is made of aeronautic aluminum; with a polished surface


A steel support allows to
use the console on the table
or comfortably hung of your belt.


You can use the internal
microphone of the console,
for a fast transmission,
with no need of long cables
and without loss of time.

The output level adjustment does not require needle instruments
because a simple indicator of two colors marks the level.

The journalist only needs an approximate adjustment because
the internal audio processor with compressor and AGC manages
to maintain an output level constant. This is fundamental because
the cellular phones digitize the audio signal using
a very reduced dynamic range.


All type of headphones
and dynamic microphones
can be used with the MX 2100.


All your journalists will be more
efficient and comfortable, using
advanced equipment that can
always take with them.

Wireless Digital Bluetooth  4.0 connection
with cell phone.
Higher audio quality and operating comfort.

It works wirelessly with any mobile phone

The MX2100 provides wireless digital cell phone, avoiding
the use of cables and connectors.
Any modern phone can be connected to the console
wirelessly, up to 10 meters away.

This allows to have the cell phone in your belt
or near a window for better reception.
Do you know what Bluetooth means?

Bluetooth is a microwave link that all modern phones have.
It is an international standard that replaces the cumbersome wires and connectors that were previously employed. It has a range of ten meters
The audio quality is better than an analog cable because the Bluetooth is fully DIGITAL.
Solidyne is a pioneer in Bluetooth link of professional audio devices.
See a video of how to connect with Bluetooth a MX2100 console
The MX2100 also has a DIGITAL USB
connection to a Notebook

This allows the Internet transmission
using a 3G/4 G modem.
You can use full duplex Skype, without delay, with high voice
quality or generating a streaming MP3/AAC.

You do not need additional studio equipment.
Because you receive the streaming in your studio PC.

Full Duplex communication from
any place at the world

The MX2100 can be connected with a smart phone using Bluetooth 4.0 with high audio quality
Using the free software SKYPE we will link with the
radio studio in full duplex mode. With no time delay.
We will have return signal in real time to make remote interviews.  Very simple to operate.
No other low cost console features the
sound quality of the MX2100!
Click here to hear a real MX2100 transmission



To simplify the operation, the console
has a battery charger 110 /220 V multi-voltage.

The battery charges in one night and
lasts longer than 16 hours of continuous work.


Rear panel of MX2100