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   MIC Processor model 2312 and VQR System

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Console 2300


2312 Microphone Processors

2300XX Console with 6 microphone processors

Solidyne is the unique console in the market offering the outstanding possibility of having a microphone with individual audio processors. It does not matter with whom you compare us with: nobody offers this advanced option.

The voices of your Radio station are the personal seal you offer to your audience. Today the success of a radio station implies being different from all others. The 2312 module is 160 millimeters wide (equivalent to 4 MIC standards) and allows handling 3 microphones with 3 complete processors composed by:

1 - 4 bands Equalizer, special for human voice. Light-on Button for Insert IN/Out

2 - Expansor - Gate for silencing the background noise of the Studio microphone, in order to get digital audio quality transmissions. Adjustable Threshold between -40 to -60 dB. 15 dB Action.

3 - Audio Compressor of 20 dB action with 10.1 slope- It keeps a constant microphone level, even when several journalists are around one table. Button for Insert In/Out

Detalle procesador de MIC modelo 2312

4 Bands Equalizer optimized for human voice

4 Bands Equalizer optimized for human voice Integrated by the following bands, with +/- 15 dB action. Banda agudos 8 KHz, tope plano (shelving)

  • Treble Band 8 KHz, shelving
  • High Band 5 KHz, bell shaped
  • Low Band 160 Hz, bell shaped
  • Low Band 80 Hz, shelving
Each microphone is completed with a Pan-Pot, an Expander-gate and an audio compressor with compression indicator scale.

The Expander-Gate fades the microphone gain for low levels, thus reducing the background noise in the Radio Studios (such as moving papers, external noise, etc)

The audio compressor permits equalizing the levels of different speakers, even when one interrupts the other. This CAN NOT BE DONE by means of the general radio Processor, since it has not an individual control on microphones.

2330 module with VQR technology (Voice Quality Restoration)

The VQR system allows for the restoration of the near-original audio quality of the human voice transmitted over a telephone line or cellular phone

Please click here to get more information about VQR and hear audio demos

The module 2330 is installed next to the master module and allows for processing of both console internal hybrids and celullar input. All the external hybrids are processed too by the 2330.