SolidynePro SolidyneLider


   Logger description

Installation of AR200 system

AR 200 in LAN network. Listen the record quality

AR-200 sreenshots

Technical Specs, AR200 Warranty

Video presentation (Spanish spoken)

AR200 PowerPoint presentation (Spanish)





Untitled Document

AR-200: 24-hours Digital

Telephone line recorder with legal validity
Broadcast logger for AM and FM
WEBcasting On Demand





The recording of the Radio and Phone communications during 24 hours, grows every day. For example the telephone loggers used in communications between police vehicles, firemen, railroads and money transport is an example of use of the voice recorders. Also medical services and Gas & Electric supply emergency,  Banking communications, etc, require of telephone loggers. More and more private companies anywhere in the world have recordings of the orders and transactions made by telephone between their clients and even with their own branches.

Also the AM and FM radio stations will be able to record their programs for legal aims or of historical file. The audio files can be upload on Internet so that determined programs can be accessed for the listeners. The AR-200 system also allows the radio stations, to register to exact schedules recordings of the news or originating programs of Satellite networks to have them right away available. \

In the modern Age, the telephone replaces to the paper, but it does not leave tracks...  So that the word makes faith, it must have the possibility of control and this control is, today, the telephone Digital recording in Hard Disk


Multi-channel Telephone Loggers & Broadcasting Digital Recorders
Solidyne AR-200

Solidyne has manufactured and installed, since 1980,
telephone recorders on magnetic tape.

That old system is replaced today by the new technology of digital recording on Hard Disk, invented by Solidyne, in 1988. Today, several companies of the international market have followed our steps, turning our technology the favorite of the market. Solidyne has been the first world company in offering a system of audio recording based on PC, in 1988

Click here if you want to know the history of the creation of this technology.

Our invention of this technology, allows us to dominate it, in order to offer exclusive advantages that you do not find in other providers. The Solidyne system converts the audio streaming in real time to encrypted MP3, to grant Legal Validity to all the recordings on Hard Disk. Also it can be stored in removable optical disks or any other present or future method of storage. Since the AR200 is an Open System, you can add in the future all the PC technological innovations you will need, purchased at your computer store !


Tape recorders
manufactured by
Solidyne 30 years ago...






What is a digital multitrack logger ?

Some people think that for recording telephone conversations is enough a simple PC and a software of MP3... Wrong ! It is like going to the modern war with arc and arrows... A Multi-channel Recorder, as AR200, must offer a minimum of 16 channels for each PC and the following facilities:

Legal Validation: since the audio files (WAV or MP3) are editable and modifiable from any PC, they lack legal value. It is possible to ask itself: why to record if the result is not useful from a legal point of view, not even for an internal auditory?
By that reason AR200 encrypt the files, so that they can be listened but cannot be modified. Then, AR200 recordings are accepted at the Court in all countries.

Call incoming and out coming number identification: You always know from where they called and to who was called. This data is as valuable as the conversation itself, allowing to very precise searches to certain telephones areas, countries or zones.

Remote Control from LAN or Internet: All the PCs are able to record in hidden mode, so that their operators ignore that they are being recorded. The system can be handled remotely with a special tool of control. Even through Internet! In addition, it is possible to have international auditors through Internet, who can listen to the conversations, by means of a secret password.

Facilities of Audit: monitoring recordings of a call centre is not an easy task. To look for between 100,000 audio files requires a powerful tool. The File Manager of the AR200 allows to make precise searches . Between dates, to telephone numbers, certain characteristics or codes of area. It allows locating all the calls of a same client throughout many months, in few seconds.


Control & Alarm Panel

Standard in 8 to 32 channels


From any point of the LAN, it is possible to install this software to monitor the AR200 recording. Channels in green are in STANDBY mode. When in orange, they are in RECORDING mode. The bar height (and the central number) indicates the Time at the indicated state.


When the time during STANDBY mode exceeds the reference time that the user have set, for that day and hour, then the channel goes to the mode ALARM (red bar). At the figure there are 4 channels in ALARM mode. The AR200 is able to send an email to the PC of the Chief Engineer to inform him of this situation.
Optionally is possible to send a message to a cellular phone.



The new digital recorders of Solidyne have great advantages on the technologies that today offer other companies of the world. In the first place, we offer Open Systems, because it operates within a conventional PC (your own PC or our Industrial Rack mounted unit) The balanced line adapters, are manufactured and guarantee by Solidyne. They are USB connected (you do not need to open the PC). USB80 docks resists 2 KV pulses and has processed audio for levelling both sides of telephone line. All expansions or future upgrades of the system are made to low cost, not depending in captive form of the provider. You even can purchase new parts form your PC store !

Each PC handles of 2 to 32 channels.  You can use our rack mount industrial computer for the recording of Call Centers, customers support, etc.  The Audit people needs an authorization to be able to access to the recordings, to maintain the confidentiality.

The codification with MP3 digital compression, using encripted format, allows the storing of recordings with good voice quality, only using 3.6 MB of memory per hour of recording.  That is to say that a standard Hard Disk of 160 GB allows to store more than 40,000 hours of continuous recording (more than 4 years). Only a HA200 recording gives you full Legal Validity.

The recording are only made when you begins to speak on the telephone.  This way memory is not wasted. Each conversation is contained in a single audio file.

You can hear the recordings from the File Manager, ordered per date, hour, dialed phone number or incoming number. They are encrypted (option in units purchased in kits) , requiring a password to be listened. Up to 10 different passwords can be used, to give 10 security levels. They can soon be copied to a CDRom, or sent by e-mail. Encrypted files can be listened but not modified because they have a system of Legal Validation that allows that an expert certifies them in case of judgment.

NOTE: Please consider that the features described in the texts, brochures and the video, correspond to the FULL AR200, with all the options.  Please specify when acquiring it which are the options that really need.