SolidynePro SolidyneLider


Logger description

Installation of AR200 system

   AR 200 in LAN network. Listen the record quality

AR-200 sreenshots

Technical Specs, AR200 Warranty

Video presentation (Spanish spoken)

AR200 PowerPoint presentation (Spanish)





Untitled Document

AR-200 working in LAN network

Listen the AR200 recording audio quality


The workstations of your current LAN can be used for the usual applications and office works.
AR200 logger system, replaces expensive audio cable installation, for your existing Ethernet connection.

The playing is made from any PC with a File Manager licencee.


Advantages of the AR200
Digital Recorder

1- It is the unique open system at the market, because it runs in a network of standard PCs, that you will be able to extend and update without being captive of a dealer.

2- MP3 codified files; they can circulate freely around your network without losing confidentiality.  Recordings can be encrypted so they are only listened by authorized people.  So that the recordings are accepted legally, a secret code of Legal Validation is added to avoid the falsification.

3-AR200 detects the incoming phone number call (Caller ID) as well as the outcoming number call. This numbers are recorded along the audio file, for future searching and legal purposes.

4 - It uses RJ11 connectors to connect the external telephone lines.  In digital phones/central, we provide coupling boxes to connect to the telephone handset. The installation is very simple.

5 - A single PC can record 2 or 4 channels while it makes other tasks. AR200 can work in hidden mode so that the operators do not know that they are being recorded from his workstation.
If you prefer a stand-alone system, Solidyne can provide a industrial type computer, with optional LCD 7 " screen, to record 24 channels each PC.

6 -  The system is connected to any telephone central, without requiring authorization or paying additional rents. AR-200 is a low cost system, with unlimited expansion possibilities.

7 - In systems with 8 and more channels, the PC comes with a RJ11 connectors dock, that eliminate loose cables and centralize the operation.

8 - Fully automatic, not needing an operator who controls it. Old files will be automatically erased after NN months to give space for new recordings.

9 - AR200 can manage several recording PCs from a single remote panel at any point of your LAN network or using an Internet connection. The memory is only used during the recording. Long silences are not recorded

10- It is a fail-safe system because it operates in distributed form; each PC handles only a part of the channels. It can be remotely supervised, from LAN or Internet, using a Control Panel.



Listen to the audio quality
of the AR 200


A real recording at 16 Kbits/sec
Only needs 7,6 MB per each hour of recording.
Notice how the AR200 compensates the levels of the local telephone and the remote one