The buttons light up on screen when you press. At the same time it changes the state and the illuminations at the real console
When a module is operated remotely, at the real console the AIR button flashes slowly indicating that the channel is being used remotely.
The faders can be moved by sliding your finger up and down or using the mouse.
The orange triangles to the right of each attenuator indicate the position of the real console while the true audio level position corresponds to the knob.
The orange column in each slot of the attenuator indicates the audio level of this channel. This is zero if the AIR button is not activated.
Using the DH400 digital hybrid telephone, the communications on-air can also be managed remotely
You can make a crossfade between audio channels. This way two musical curtains can be mixed at variable speed, just by pressing a button
You can group into three blocks, A, B, C. all the MIC channels. In this way, when you press any of the A,B or C buttons all the microphones of this group go simultaneusly to Air.
The VU meters are standard VU scale RMS
The PAD introduces programmable attenuation. It is used to reduce background music to enter a phrase
The 2600 can be configured for each remote user. He will only have access to authorized controls