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Folleto PDF 462dsp

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Especificaciones Técnicas

Procesador Solidyne 462dsp

Haga click aqui para ver un artículo técnico (white paper) acerca de la Teoría de los
modernos procesadores de audio y su relación con el aumento del alcance de
una emisora de FM Estéreo.
En castellano, PDF (700 KB)

NOTA:Un paper más completo basado en esta teoría está publicada en inglés en el
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
O.Bonello, March 2007 (



Solidyne 462dsp

Analog Input
600/10 K balanced XLR 50 dB CM Rejection 20-15 Khz. Input level selected by software in 1 dB steps.
Sigma-Delta converters 24 bits / 192 Khz
Digital Input
Optional AES-3 digital balanced input Z=110 ohms. Automatic selection of 32, 44,1, 48 & 96 Khz with sample rate converter (128 dB Dynamic Range, -117 dB THD) to avoid jitter
Analog Output
600 balanced XLR, output level + 4 dBu
Sigma-Delta converters 24 bits / 192 Khz
Digital Output
Optional AES-3 digital balanced output, Z=110 ohms FS=32/44.1/48 Khz; Standart=48 Khz
MPX Output
From 2 vpp to 5.5 vpp in 15 steps selected by software from LCD screen
Processing Technology DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
Total CPU power 2.700 MIPS
MPX Post-Processing SuperModulation exclusive Solidyne technology, at 608 Khz oversampling. Fast clipper DC-10 Mhz wideband channel to avoid audible artifacts
Frequency Response
20-15.000 Hz +/-0.25 dB. Flat mode XLR out or digital AES-3 Out. Output without pre-emphasis
Harmonic Distortion (THD)
THD below 0.005 % (30-15 Khz, Flat Mode)
Dynamic Range= 95 dBA
Stereo Separation
75 dBA @ 30-15.000 Hz
Subsonic Filter
Chebyshev FC=20 Hz; 25 dB rejection at 10 Hz
Asymmetry Canceling
Phase processing technology with Kahan-Bonello algorithms. Cancelling Factor=8:1
Linear Expander
Range=20 dB Attack time < 1 mS. Release: 200mS
Gated Wide-band AGC
Range=30 dB. Attack / Release time & Treshold controlled from LCD screen
Multiband Compressors
DSP controlled by software. Four Bands, Crossover= 24dB/oct Max compression = 30dB. Slope = 10:1
Compressors Attack/Release Time
Software controlled by user from LCD screen. Attack and Release controlled by separate.
IM Canceled Clipper
IM canceling factor : greater than 30 dB below 250 Hz
Fast Clipper Absolutely alias free using DC-10 Mhz bandwidth channel
Audio Equalizer
Four bands audio equalizer with 20 dB range at the output of multiband compressors
Super Modulation MPX processing for stereo interleaving, allows for 150% L & R audio level at 100% modulation
Low pass filter
15 Khz digital lowpass FIR filter, 50 dB rejection at 19 Khz
Storage of Preset Settings
30 programs that can be changed on-air from PC computer using the 462 serial port
RS-232 PC control
RS232 seriel port. It can be connected to USB bus with optional external adapter.
RDS Encoder
Optional built in RDS encoder
AM & FM compatible
The user is able to insert two socket mounted ICs to change betwen AM and FM modes.
Stereo coder is a separate module
LCD Display
Graphic, green color LCD display with backlight.
Processing Bands and stages

Four processing bands
Nine processing stages

90/127V and 190/230V; 50/60 Hz, selectable from rear panel
483 mm Wide 240 mm Deep, 88 mm High








































462dsp/AM audio processor

This is an advanced unit for AM transmitters that offers:

One balanced stereo output (20 Hz - 15 KHz) for Internet streaming or Hi-Fi recordings

Two independent balanced analogical outputs for A.M. transmission

A.M. TX outputs has NRSC1 equalization and low-pass cutoff filter, commutable between 7 kHz & 5 kHz. Both A.M. outputs allow asymmetric modulation to increase the power and coberture of the emissions. While the negative modulation keeps always at 100%, the positive one can vary digitally between 100% and 150%, controllable from LCD screen. The advanced asymmetric clipping system with double stage of Log clipping, an invention of Solidyne, allows to increase to the transmitted power.

The 462dsp/AM fulfills standard NRSC-2 of spurious irradiation in A.M.

462dsp/AM/AES; for DIGITAL AM transmissions

This model is oriented to the transmission of digital AM in simulcast using IBOC or DRM technology. 462dsp/AM/AES has digital AES-3 input / outputs for direct connection to the digital transmitter, with a bandwidth of 15 KHz in stereo, and simultaneous analog outputs for conventional "in band" transmission

















SC-100 Digital Stereo Generator
16x Oversampling
Cero audible distortion

Audio Input Impedance: 600/5 kOhms
Audio Input Level: 1,5 V rms for 5 Vpp at MPX out @ 400 Hz

MPX Output: Differential output, BNC connector, floating ground 50 ohms
Allows 45 dB canceling buzz & noise due to ground loops

Composite Output Level: 2 - 5.5 Volts pp, adjustable from LCD display
Frequency Response: 20-14.000 Hz +/- 0,1 dB
Eliptical low pass filter; -1 dB at 15 kHz / -70 dB at 19 kHz
Audio Input Filtering: 15 kHz, active FDNR filter 5 poles, eliptical
Total Distortion: 0.003 % at 1 kHz.
Signal to Noise Ratio: 95 dBA or better, Ref 100% modulation.
Stereo Separation: 75 dB at 400 Hz / > 70 dB; 30-15.000 Hz.
Crosstalk: Main to sub & sub to main due to amplitude and phase nonlinearities of left and right channels, 30-15.000 Hz; 65 dB minimum, below 100% modulation.
38 kHz Suppression: 75 dB minimum below 100% modulation.
57, 76 and 95 kHz Suppression: 75 dB minimum below 100% modulation.
76 kHz Sideband Suppression: 75 dB minimum below 100% modulation.
Pilot Level : Adjusted 7-12 % from rear panel preset control
Pilot Protection: 70 dB at 19 Khz
Pilot Stability: +/- 0.05 Hz, 0 to 50 °C.







Output Spectrum as seen at Tektronix 5L4 N
The high spectral purity surpases all the units you can find at the market

































Optional RDS Encoder
RDS/RBDS signal
Conforms to CENELEC EN50067
RDS signal bandwidth
+/- 2.4 kHz (50 dBc)
Spurious suppression
>90 dB
Harmonics suppression
> 80 dB
Clock reference
pilot tone
19 kHz pilot PLL lock bandwidth
+/- 2 Hz
Data connector: RS-232
D9 bidirectional
Data speed software switchable
1200-9600 kbps
Communication mode
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
EEPROM memory capacity
32 KB
Supported services
PI Program Identification, M/S Music/Speech, PS Program Service, PIN Program-Item Number, PTY Program Type, ECC Extended Country Code, TP Traffic Program, RT Radiotext, AF Alternative Frequencies, TDC Transparent Data Channels TA Traffic Announcement, IH In House Applications, PTYN Program Type Name, ODA Open Data Applications, DI Decoder Identification, CT Clock-Time and Date, EON Enhanced Other Networks information