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   HL203 with VQR (Voice Quality Restoration)

Tutorial about VQR technology

PDF Brochure HL202 & 203



HL 202


Untitled Document

VQR Technology

(Voice Quality Restoration)

Our new invention available at the HL203 hybrid


New HL203, 3 lines hybrid with VQR

VQR technology is an invention of Solidyne allowing restoration
of the original sound of the human voice, adding the
frequencies lost in telephone or cellular transmission



This new technology, developed at Solidyne Labs, allows reconstructing the original human voice quality transmitted over telephone lines or Cellular Phone systems. This new invention, based on the Psychoacoustics science, uses the information contained into the 300 - 3.000 Hz band to decode it and restore to the near-original audio quality.
The Voice, once restored, has a 50-10.000 Hz bandwidth
The VQR process, in real time, with no delay, brings near-Studio audio quality. Due to the average audio quality of receivers, about 95% of the FM audience believes that the phone line transmission in not a remote event (that is; the audio quality perceived is like studio quality, for them)



In some ways it is a method similar to that used in Astronomy to know what materials are formed a star by analyzing its light.
The HL203 includes a 3 lines hybrid, prior to VQR system, to enable the handling of two telephone lines and a one cell phone connected wirelessly by a digital microwave link named Bluetooth.
All 3 lines can be placed in conference, with a cross gain between them, to allow for a comfortable and excellent communication level.
It also allows the direct entry of cell phones instead of phone lines. This way saves a lot of money on telephone fares by taking advantage of the promotions of communication at low fee, using Corporative cell phones


  The HL203 connects wirelessly to a cell phone through a Bluetooth microwave digital link, that almost all cell phones possess. Then, it would not need to perform tedious cable connections.
You do not even need to touch the cell phone, because the calls are attended by pressing a button at the HL203.
You can keep the conversation in private (Hold mode with Cue) and sent into the air by pressing ON-AIR



But if you need to connect more cell phones, you can also do this using the wires of hands-free kit. HL203 accepts cell phones instead of telephone sets. You may then have up to 3 cell phones in the air in conference


VQR section of HL203 is connected by
pressing a button.
VQR technology is the only at market that
provides zero-latency (ie HAS NO DELAY)
with a near-digital audio quality

Three controls to adjust the level of quality desired.
Let's see your action:


NOISE: improvement of dynamic range from 45 dB typical phone line to 70 / 80 dBA high quality Studio Microphone.

BASS: restoration of the 50 - 300 Hz band.
It is based on the vocal cord formant theory
that allows to restore the low frequency
information lost during the phone transmission

TREBLE: restoration of the 3.000 to 10.000 Hz band
It uses the fundamental pitch of the fricative voice sound to restore the high harmonics


The HL203 replaces in your radio a
conventional hybrid

Cell phones are connected via a digital microwave link, Bluetooth.
This allows an audio quality much higher than today
get with a analog cable connection




The reconstruction of the audio signal quality is good enough, because 95% of the
radio audience believes that the sound is generated in studies.
VQR reconstruction, unlike other technologies, has no latency (Delay).
It allows for comfortable interviews from studio to remote.



The HL203 is expandable like a Meccano

HL202 units can be added to bring 5 lines
and up to 7 lines, all with VQR

HL203 can connect to one or two units HL202 to expand the number of lines.

A flat cable LINK at the rear panel allows future enhancements


Rear side of HL203. See at the left the microwave antenna Bluetooth



VQR system for 2300 consoles

If you use a Solidyne 2300 console, it is possible to add a 2330 VQR module.
This allows you to have this advanced technollogy inside the console, with the 3 VQR controls near your hands.

A complete LED display allows the operator to have a visual picture of the audio restoration





Please, hear the VQR improved audio quality of the telephone communication

We recommend you to use very good quality PC speakers, with
separate woofer, or use PC with headphones.
Also, you can download the MP3 file to listen elsewhere. To do this, click the
right mouse button over the link Click Here, and choose the option "Save..."



Listen during 10 seconds the phone audio transmission using a plain telephone line from a Public Central. After 10 seconds, the VQR system is connected at the Radio Studio


Now, listen during 10 seconds the audio transmission using a Motorola Cellular Phone, with even reduced bandwidth. After 10 sec, the VQR system is connected at the Radio Studio

Click here for more audio demos with Spanish speakers voices

Thanks to PRO FM Solutions, Holland, for providing us the speaker's voice