Easy to use: It has a carefully designed user interface to facilitate operational tasks and interaction among its various controls.
Safe: It allows effective access control of each operator with its own password. She/He only can manage the allowed facilities depending on the category.
32 software programs at low price: Audicom includes a complete suite of 32 programs for total management of a radio station. It includes Playlist, embedded music scheduler, File manager, Live Assist, InfoMusic database, Full Meteor voiced information, Instant recording, Endless recording, automatic creation of commercials batch's, invoicing, statistics, reports, etc
Reliable: The most robust software in its class. Without painful periodic license validations. Designed in native Win32, ensure functioning 24hs a day every day of the year. Never again an air station in silence for a failure of automation software!
Open: No audio files to be imported and exported manually. Audicom 8 allows transparent transfer of audio files from USB flash drives, CD-ROMs or removable hard drives. Even the use of conventional audio editors without cumbersome conversions!
Support RDS: Displays the station name, the title and artist of the song in radio receivers alphanumeric. Also being able to send personalized messages to interact with listeners.
Internet Encoder: The encoder IRDS ( Windows Media Streaming) can encode the audio while displaying information in the web player RDS.
Easy to Install: Audicom 8 is a simple to install product that transforms your PC into a powerful radio station.
Tested: With over 20 years of experience developing software radio Solidyne guarantee your investment today and for many years to come. Audicom, the most successful product at the world with more than 5,000 software licenses sold.
Why Audicom is today the best product on the market ?
Because Solidyne invents the Radio Automation technology more than 20 years ago ... We were the world first company in 1989. Then, we have now the largest experience in this field...
Audicom 8 offers the most intuitive user interface available on the market. We divided the area of the screen into smaller windows which we call 'controls'. Each is a software program that performs a specific function.
The 'controls' can open, move or hide at will. Allowing each user the ability to customize its interface based on your needs and work preferences.
For example, CyberPlay Control indicates the audio file that is On-Air and the list to come.
Each 'control' possesses a distinctive icon
at the top of the screen from
where it opens, or hides. Making the
Audicom management very intuitive from
the start
Basic Controls
CyberPlay - Playlist with Date & Time
To facilitate the integrated management of commercial and music Audicom 8 provides a single window air, named Cyberplay. Optimized to integrate both commercial and music programming in one continuous list. Audicom is the world only software to give you full support of each event time. You always know the exact time at which each file goes to Air !
This form of work was the core of the success and popularity that have earlier versions of Audicom on the market. This working mode allows the operator to know at a glance what is currently on the air and what comes below. Facilitating the operation at the Master Control room. Please compare it with the old approach of double windows, used by other software vendors.
Since the sequence of playing audio files is chronological, having a single window, it can show the time in which each audio file is programmed to go on-air. It is necessary to underline the enormous importance of this information in a modern radio station.
The name of the item currently on the air, much as his interpreter, and style of the question, are shown in high contrast letters in upper CyberPlay Control window.
To change the playback order simply drag and drop files from the list that wish to alter CyberPlay. To remove a file from the list simply drag and drop it out the window. Similarly, the drag and drop a file from any other control to CyberPlay, the file is scheduled to air. Please note that since each operator has his own password, you can cancel this facility for some operators
Audicom is the world´s only software that gives
you a consolidated PlayList with the
exact time of each event !
FileManager -How to manage Multimedia Files
Powerful file management system for Music, News and Journalism. Simplifies access to all the existing content, whether they are in different audio disks, local or network drives. No matter where audio files are... FileManager looks to all your LAN and finds it! The files are sorted in folders (Styles) and colors. The display of each folder is sensitive to its content. Those folders that contain music include the name of the interpreter and the subject. While other folders displays only the name of the audio file.
In competitive automation systems you must navigate through long lists of files to find the song or commercial you want. This is not our problem. FileManager saves time with its powerful search engine. Pressing the search button and Spelling few letters of the subject, artist, advertising spot, the jingle, or any other audio file searched, instantly produce a list of search results!
So rapid is the tool that many DJs are encouraged to ask their listeners what want to hear; and while talking to them, immediately the selected theme goes on-air...
So quickly and without pre-production.
Only Audicom gives you a File Manager
with such advanced features and
immediate music finder
LiveAssist - Instant Play of audio files
Live Assist allows the creation of 12 pages each of which contains 48 instantly fire buttons. These titles can be played just by pressing a button or from the keyboard by its corresponding number. Each page can be personalized with the name and photo of the DJ... You can create an unlimited number of personal Live Assist Files !
For faster operation, the buttons have the same color of the FileManager folder where you dragged the audio file. Thus, the operator instantly identifies the content type of each button.
By example if you use red for special effects folder, all the special effects buttons will be red
Audicom 8 has two LiveAssist controls , called LiveAssist 1 and 2. The operator can open it simultaneously. This allows the superposition of effects and music curtains for live shows. Since each of these controls can work on a different audio card.
Using standard 4 channels cards you have two stereo outputs that can be managed for two different console faders. Or if you use advanced USB consoles (like Solidyne 2300 or D816) you always have 2 stereo channels at your hands.
Live Assist has several instant reproduction modes including endless mode, replacement mode, listing mode, etc
Only Audicom gives you a Live Assist that supports
all the needs of you radio station
InfoMusic - Full musical Database
Each audio file has some information that characterizes it. The Interpreter, the musical style, the author, the beat, the number of times that was aired each week, etc. Audicom offers you 14 parameters of information for each music file. There are also other information that can accurately determine the mixing time (crossfade) at the start and end of each audio file individually, as well as time to Enter the topic, and other parameters. InfoMusic Control lets you view and edit all this information for each musical theme, each commercial, and each station jingle.
To view information for a particular audio file, just drag the file to InfoMusic. To edit any information field only changes are due to type and press the button to save changes. Information being stored in without any additional operation.
Only Audicom has this complete Music Database with
20 fields, statistically information and Top Hit level.
You never have been seen something near
our InfoMusic database !
Meteor -Full Meteor information
Located at the top of the screen Audicom 8 Meteor allows control the display of the date, time and date, and weather data.
Pressing any of the icons for time, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, or rainfall, the speech is reproduced for the information requested. If multiple icons are pressed successively, it will air the respective phrases one after another in the established order.
Meteor manages three different voices that can be personalized for each broadcaster with its own speakers. Delivering the weather report maintains an artistic coherence with the rest of the contents of the station.
By including simple commands in the middle of the Meteor air playlist, you can program automatic meteorological reports at any time of day.
Meteor can be configured to access weather information from the nearest airport (via Internet) or it can interfaced to a Solidyne RS-110 Meteor Station that reports with great accuracy the temperature, pressure, humidity and rainfall of the place the radio is located
(Note: Meteor Station is manufactured only on-demand).
Only Audicom gives you a complete Meteor information from local airports or connected
to a Meteor station at the radio location
I-Rec - Instantaneous recording
I-Rec is a digital audio recorder can start recording with a single click! It has been specially designed to record pieces of programming, so easily record single events in the air. Whether an interview with someone well known, an appropriate comment or an unexpected complaint made by a listener. I-Rec capture those unrepeatable moments of the radio with ease!
In the case of sports broadcasting, I-Rec Control can work in an advanced mode in which records backward in time (loop recorder). This mode is particularly useful for recording soccer goals. Since the closing minutes to record prior to the time at which it is activated. It is useful in all sports, just turn it once to become both the historical fact remains recorded forever. Make a repetition of the goal is as simple as programming to air the Rec file that we just recorded.
During a interview it is possible to get the exact phrase and then repeat on-air. Excellent for analyzing on-line the words of a politic interview !
All material recorded by I-Rec is automatically available for searching, editing and post-reproducing. Leaving the files on the folder I-Rec with the name "Year-Month-Day-Hour-Min-Sec"
Only Audicom gives you this advanced recorder working in loop mode
Audicom manages the audio processing
Audicom is the world only software that gives a
better sound to your Radio, optimizing the audio
processing for each aired musical tune
Audicom 8 is the only software on the market that controls the audio processor of your station.
InfoMusic can be programmed in a field that specifies the optimal processing for each song or audio file.
Every time the song comes to the air, the processor gently modifies all processing parameters !
There are 30 presets available with different equalization, compression levels, 3D effects, tonal balance, etc.
Using Audicom in your Radio, never a Rumba will sound the same as a Jazz band...
Internet Controls
In addition to the main controls used intensively at the master control room, there are a set of additional tools that simplify the interaction of a station or network of stations at Internet.
These controls are created based on the requirements of the top media companies worldwide at the 50 countries that uses Solidyne products. We have taken our time because we invented, 20 years ago, the automation software (in 1989 we were the first company worldwide to create software for embedded audio radio) This experience has avoided falling into the software bugs that are common in almost all our competitors.
Quite the contrary, Audicom is the result of the greatest exponents of the radio that every day improves the existing technology.
iRDS -Internet Coding, an Audicom innovation
IRDS Control gathers all functions related to streaming from the station's programming. Connecting to Streaming Server, and providing digitized signal for distribution to listeners online.
The IRDS (means Internet RDS), can encode the audio simultaneously in two different qualities. There is a lower quality encoding used to serve Internet listeners that we call public. And another of much higher quality encoder for encoding the signal to make links between radio stations that called iLink.
Each of the two audio signals encoded by the Control IRDS is accompanied by additional information. In the case of public stream for listeners, it includes information from the name and artist of the song. Providing the same information as the RDS but at the station's website in Internet.
ILink signal quality is accompanied by information that enables playback synchronization of local events with more accuracy than a tenth of a second (thanks to a patented technology).
Then in each repeater station the experience of the listeners is as vivid as if it were a totally live programming. All the commercials, as well as all the promos for the station, including weather information corresponds to each of the remote cities of the radio network. The mix of local information and nationwide program is absolutely perfect and the synchronization is full automatic, including the compensation for different commercial batch length.
No other software at the world can do that !
Only Audicom gives you i-RDS support
iLink -Internet link receiver
With a similar appearance to CyberPlay, iLink recreates the unique and ongoing list of air. iLink is purely an information display control. Since when is operating in Audicom iLink mode, programming is repeated from the head in full, except for the blocks of runs (green blocks) and the artistic head of the station that is automatically replaced by local equivalents.
The information displayed by the iLink is for files programmed by CyberPlay into the master station of the network. This information is used by the control to know when it performs as 'remote' to 'Local', playing the local audio and return the exact moment that continues the program at the remote station.
ILink Control is not only able to link via the Internet to a remote station, but also allows the exact replacement of the commercials of varying lengths. Filling the time over the advertising batch of the master station, with musical themes (for a batch of great duration), remote radio promos, or arpeggios to fill the exact length of time to shoot.
No other product on the market offers this technology!
This control also replaces same of the master station audio files for those that fit the local content of each remote station. This replacement is performed in real time and without noticing it reaches the listener, because files are used exactly the same duration to perform the replacement.
This is also a Audicom exclusivity MultiCast
An advanced guard system (foldback) is activated in the event that a cut in the Internet connection prevents playback signal from the network. In that case, the iLink start playback of a block of music with a musical format predefined for these cases. The music format is configured for each hour of the day, making the experience of the lack of connection less traumatic as possible.
The Internet connection is constantly monitored and if it is restored, pending the finalization of the theme song in progress and returns to the normal operative system.
Only Audicom 8 MultiCast gives you the perfect way to manage, using Metadata, your full radio network
AudiCast -PodCast server
POD is a generic term to call a portable audio player (It can be an iPod, cell phone, or MP3). While BROADCAST refers to the distribution of audio / video in the form of programs to a wide audience. Therefore, PODCAST is the name for the distribution of radio programs on portable MP3 players. Audicom 8 has a full use of Pod casting technologies.
AudiCast Control completely automates three stages in creating a podcast radio program. First of all, is responsible for recording the show in MP3 played from the opening promo of the program, until ending the audio file of the program. Thus AudiCast creates a single MP3 audio file for each program of the radio station.
These audio files are then transferred to a publishing server on the Internet as they are generated. Once audio files have been uploaded to the server, AudiCast is responsible for creating a link on the website of the station for listeners to know that program is about, and if you want to download to their portable audio. Or they may decide to hear the program directly from the web, but at the time of day to find it more comfortable.
This new technological revolution; the content on demand, place the control on the listener. Since she/he is who decides on a schedule page when they want to hear their favorite radio program. Audicom 8 makes PodCast publishing a simple, automated task!
Having recorded all programs of a station, allows the production department to schedule iterations of a successful program, or simply cover the vacation of a talent of the station. Additionally, these recordings serve for legal control for those media that have a policy to safeguard all discharges to air.
Audicom gives you full Podcasting support
Production Controls
Production tools manages the requirements of the commercial department of a single station or network of stations. A complete software services that allow you to manage the loading of new audio files, the assembly of the commercials, audit of air, and other essential aspects of any broadcasting corporation.
Each of these production controls has a drop down menu from which you select the specific station on which you are working. Thus allowing for a single output terminal can handle many stations, be they local or remote (Internet connected). This feature is especially useful when you have remote networks and radio stations are required to certificates the on air commercials from the central administration.
Aaudit - On-Air assessment
The information is represented in graphical mode, mimicking the visual appearance of CyberPlay Control. The commercials that were reproduced are listed on a green background. Those which are reproduced by autoDJ or manually by the operator have sky background. The time intervals in which the program was stopped on a yellow background are shown, assuming them as live shows. To the left is the hour on the air of each file, in hours, minutes and seconds. Appear on the even hours and the odd ones are represented in light gray on dark gray.
As additional information is included in the registration statement the name of different's operators who enters or leaves the system at the Air Terminal. This information is shown in gray lines and red text, indicating time of start/end of the work and username.
Aaudit also lets you listen to audio files, simply select it and press Play. The file is played from its original location, thus it may be noted that the audio was irradiated.
AutoDJ Editor -Music format editor
Audicom 8 has an advanced on-line Scheduler called AutoDJ . Music programming schedule of a particular block is made according to AutoDJ established rules. This format contains the parameters used to select AutoDj titles, such as the style, genre, performers, etc..
You can define a sequence of musical styles at AutoDj Editor screen. This particular sequence of styles will be repeated in the same order again and again.
It is also possible to determine which performers between musical themes will choose when you use this musical form. AutoDJ Editor lets you set how many titles from different interpreters will be at least two of the same interpreter. Avoiding autoDJ then schedule two consecutive titles in the same interpreter.
And to include issues hit. If you select Top 40 every 1 hour, a title marked as Top 40 will go to air every 1 hour.
You can assign values to each gender repeat, this is useful if you want to avoid the succession of two titles performed solo, duo or band. Indicating how many different gender issues will be at least two of the same gender.
Arrays Tempo (music beat) and Mode (Loudness) is another way to set up music selection. Can establish that there are two titles in soft mode, or one soft and one very strong. Similarly, one can avoid the succession of titles in tempo throughout, or an allegro and a long, etc.
AutoDJ allowed to include promotional's between songs into a music program. It can be set that every N tracks a promotional insert appears. Promos field lets you enter a string to condition the selection of a promotional group relevant to this particular musical format.
No other software in the world allows you to have
this powerful tool !
AutoEdit - Automatic silent cancellation
This control allows you to automatically cut the silence at the beginning and end of the musical theme. It works in batch mode, ie you select a folder and automatically edit all audio files contained in it. Being able to immerse thousands of pieces of music in minutes. This is a valuable tool when you copy music from commercial CDs
This way all the musical tunes has a perfect crossfade.
The progress window of AutoEdit shows the number of seconds of silence that took the start and end of each tune. Allowing also hear every issue from the start, or pressing play a second time, listen to the final 10 seconds of each tune.
Because the MP3 files are not decoded to do this work, they do not lose audio quality. Please note that using a conventional editor (like all competitive software does) the decoding and re-encoding of MP3 files, reduces the audio quality of the music.
Only Audicom offers you this automatic systems to trim the length of all your audio files (including
telephone records)
Please note that several screenshots have Spanish words. This will not happen at your PC if you set Windows to English.