SolidynePro SolidyneLider


Description & Audio Demo

   Internet Links & STL (Studio-Transmitter Link)

Technical specs & Delay Measurements

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User Manual ADA102






ADA102 Applications

Internet and Studio–Transmitter Link


The first application is the generation of streaming audio at Internet.  This is called Webcasting or PodCasting.  The quality level achieved by ADA102 is much higher than the obtained using a PC with a sound card . Moreover, the ADA102 is always working 24 hours a day, with no virus problems, no crashes no software downs and without hard drive wear. In case of lack of electric energy, when it returns ADA102 restarts again automatically
The addition of an audio processor, like 362-IT enhances the sound quality and maintains a constant audio level.

Replacing an analog STL link by a full digital link
Two or more repeater stations can be easily linked 



Your current analog STL link is limiting the audio quality of your FM broadcast station. Its distortion is several times larger than the transmitter distortion.  The solution is a digital link
The use of a coder ADA102 in studies connected to broadband Internet, allows to cover any distance from the transmitter. This is the ideal solution for radio networks, because a single coder in studio can send a signal to several transmitters throughout the country.
Using the model ADA102mpx  with MPX output, as decoder, you can connect it directly to FM stereo transmitter. Then you will have 70 dB stereo channel separation (with an analog STL link, you will very lucky if it manages 28 to 35 dB ...)
If you do not have broadband Internet connection at the transmitter side, you can use a standard low cost microwave link (WI-FI or WI-Max) for 5.8 GHz band. It works under 802.11.x  worldwide standard. The 5.8 GHz band  allows for 45 Km link distance, with no obstacles,  and it is of free use in all countries and usually it does not require any special authorization.



Digital STL with Audio Processor at transmitter side
Recommended for AM radio



It is also possible to keep the processor at transmitter side. Both AM and FM. But this is recommended in AM radio at which the processor must be near transmitter to maintain a DC-coupling to allow asymmetric modulation
The Audio Processor can be controlled from studios, using the RS-232 port that ADA102 provides.
If you do not have broadband Internet connection at the transmitter side, you can use a standard low cost microwave link (WI-FI or WI-Max) for 5.8 GHz band. It works under 802.11.x  worldwide standard. The 5.8 GHz band  allows for 45 Km link distance, with no obstacles,  and it is of free use in all countries and usually does not require any special authorization



STL link with full digital audio

From the PC hard disk up to the FM transmitter keep full digital audio
Get CD-quality on the air





Being a full 100% digital radio station is now possibly without compromise your budget. From console to transmitter the radio can be totally digital. Replacing the current exciter of your transmitter with the new Solidyne SDX300 AES 3 Exciter, the radio will have a new CD-quality sound
The position of the processor is indistinct and may be at transmitter or Studio side.
If you do not have broadband Internet connection at the transmitter side, you can use a standard low cost microwave link (WI-FI or WI-Max) for 5.8 GHz band. It works under 802.11.x  worldwide standard. The 5.8 GHz band  allows for 45 Km link distance, with no obstacles,  and it is of free use in all countries and usually does not require any special authorization


Digital technology allows for managing the audio processor
from a PC located at Studio. The same way you can send
RDS information and control commands to the transmitter.





Using the RS-232 port is easy to send an additional data stream to control the audio processor.

The same way you can send RDS information and control commands to the transmitter. Modern IP transmitters allows remote Ethernet networking


Audio over IP for linking all your studios

Use the ADA102 for sending and receiving high quality uncompressed audio

Use your standard Ethernet LAN of 100 MBits to manage your audio signals
Using PCM stream you can work full duplex


For example, using PCM with Fs = 32 kHz you will have 16,000 Hz response (great for FM)
Each stereo channel requires about 1 Mbps and two channels (Tx and Rx) twice
Therefore a standard 100 Mbps LAN can handle, in addition to computer data,
all the audio of your radio.With full digital quality !